The website is owned and operated by Canberra Hearing Pty Ltd. Canberra Hearing Pty Ltd. (ABN 56 665 017318) is registered in Australia. The registered office is Macquarie Medical Centre, Unit 2/5 Macquarie Place, Macquarie, ACT. 2614, Australia.

The copyright, trademarks and Intellectual Property (whether present or future) of all content and material on the website is owned by Canberra Hearing Pty Ltd. and its licensors. Access to the website confers no rights upon the visitor other than the limited right to use it in accordance with the following Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions govern the use of the website and all or any pages, information or content within it and may be updated from time to time. You are advised to check this page from time to time.


Website Usage

Visitors to the website are permitted to display the content on screen, download or print content and information for personal and/or organisational non-commercial use.

Without the prior and express written permission of Canberra Hearing Pty Ltd. no copyright, trademark, content or material, whether complete or partial, may be reproduced, offered for sale or sold, or distributed, on any medium made available as part of another website in any way stored or transmitted to any server or other storage device in electronic or print form removed, published, displayed or transmitted or in way commercially exploited

  • Visitors may not do anything that interferes or damages the functionality of, or access to, the website.



The website provides general information about Canberra Hearing Pty Ltd. and its services and should in no way be taken as specific financial or professional advice. Use of the information on this website does not establish any relationship whatsoever with Canberra Hearing Pty Ltd.

Visitors use this website, and the material contained within it, at their own risk. Whilst every care is taken to ensure all content is accurate at the point of inclusion in the website, no warranty, express or implied, is given regarding such content as being complete or accurate.

The website may contain links to other independent third party services or websites over which we have no control and we cannot accept any responsibility for their content or their accuracy. Links from the website, over which Canberra Hearing Pty Ltd. has no control, do not constitute any endorsement or approval of the organisations concerned.

Visitors use the website at their own discretion. Canberra Hearing Pty Ltd. is not responsible for any loss of data resulting from downloading information from the website, nor are they responsible for any damage to visitors’ systems or equipment as a result of the use of the website.

To the fullest extent allowed by law we exclude any liability whatsoever to us for any loss or damage arising from usage of the website, or its content, and/or any third party material on the website or websites linked to it.


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We’d love to answer any questions you have. Send us a message and we’ll respond as soon as possible.