Food and drink

Many people give up unhealthy eating for Lent. But did you know that obesity can actively damage your hearing? Or that some foods have been proven to promote hearing health?

  • Foods rich in folic acid (including citrus fruit, asparagus and leafy green vegetables like spinach) slow down hearing loss and improve circulation.
  • A magnesium-rich diet (full of leafy green vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds) can protect ears from noise-related hearing loss and promote hearing health.
  • Potassium-rich foods (such as bananas, peas, mushrooms and sweet potatoes) help regulate the amount of fluid in your ears, keeping them healthy. This is especially important as you get older.
  • Diets that cause obesity can lead to hearing problems. As blood circulation reduces, irreparable damage is done to the delicate hairs in our ear.



March 13th is international No Smoking Day and, while it might not be as hard hitting as a message like ‘smoking kills’, cigarettes can also lead to long-lasting damage to your hearing. So if you’re a musician, a theatre lover, or anyone who really values their hearing, spare a thought for your ears next time you light up.

  • Nicotine and carbon monoxide constrict blood vessels all over your body, including those in your inner ear. This causes long-lasting damage to your sense of hearing.
  • Nicotine interferes with the signals between the ear and the brain and can cause tinnitus.
  • Nicotine could make you more susceptible to noise-related hearing problems.



It’s easy to feel your time is under pressure from all directions, and it can be tempting to prioritise things over sleep. But in terms of long-term hearing health, there really is no substitute for a proper night’s sleep. It’s World Sleep Day on March 15th, so why not do a favour for your hearing (and general wellbeing) by resolving to stay well rested?

  • Sleep deprivation causes blood circulation issues, which results in damage to the inner ear.



Many people use alcohol as a social lubricant and few days when this is more evident than St Patrick’s Day on March 19th. But avoiding excess drinking now could actually lead to better quality hearing and easier social interactions in later years.

  • High levels of alcohol in the bloodstream create a toxic environment which can directly damage the delicate hairs responsible for hearing.


How we can help

If you are concerned about any of the above lifestyle choices and their impact on your hearing, then please do get in touch. At Sevenoaks Hearing we always consider the broader needs and health of our clients to ensure that by improving your hearing health you can live a richer, happier life.

We provide a bespoke hearing service, using the state-of-the-art technology. And because we are independent of any manufacturer, we can provide the best product for your specific need.

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